All ethical guidelines for the protection of people in research have the three main principles of autonomy, beneficence and justice at their core. A number of internationally recognized codes of ethics have been developed since World War II to ensure the protection of human participants in biomedical research. They include:
The Nuremberg Code, 1947
Declaration of Helsinki, 1964 (last updated in October 2000)
The Belmont Report, 1979
The CIOMS Guidelines, 1982 (last updated in 2002)
Ethical Considerations in biomedical HIV prevention trials, (2007)
How the HVTN Addresses Ethics
The HVTN works to address many ethical concerns that arise in HIV prevention research. Some of the things we do to address ethical concerns include:
- Conducting studies according to scientifically rigorous standards, such as Good Clinical Practice and Good Participatory Practice guidelines, and requiring external review by independent scientists.
- Ethics review of all studies by the appropriate regulatory agencies and Ethics Committees in every country where a study will be done.
- Incorporating the principles of autonomy, beneficence and justice into the design and conduct of all HVTN studies and all Network policies.
- Ensuring substantive community input into the planning, conduct, and follow-up of all HVTN research, as well as at the local level through community consultations with our research sites.
- Ensuring that all study participants receive state-of-the-art counseling about how to reduce their risks for HIV acquisition, including information about new HIV prevention technologies and how to access them.
- Continually evaluating changes in language, culture, and policy to be sure that HVTN studies are inclusive, respectful, and culturally responsive.