Getting the Right HIV Test
Antibodies help to prevent infection. Most vaccines cause the body to make antibodies. If you get an HIV vaccine, your body may make antibodies to HIV. However, standard HIV tests search for HIV antibodies, a sign of HIV infection for people who have not previously received an HIV vaccine. If you get a standard HIV test after receiving an HIV vaccine, your HIV test results could come back positive even if you do not have HIV. This is called a VISP (Vaccine-Induced Seropositive) test result. To avoid this confusion, our study sites use different kinds of HIV tests that look for the virus itself, not antibodies.
Frequently Asked Questions About VISP
What is a VISP test result?
Antibodies help to prevent infection. Most vaccines cause the body to make antibodies. If you participate in a clinical trial and receive an HIV study vaccine, your body may make antibodies to HIV. However, standard HIV tests search for HIV antibodies as a sign of having HIV for people who have not previously received an HIV vaccine. If you get a standard HIV test after receiving an HIV study vaccine, your HIV test results could come back positive even if you do not have HIV. This is called a VISP (Vaccine-Induced Seropositive) test result. This may also be referred to as Vaccine-Induced Seroreactivity (VISR). To avoid this confusion, our study clinics use different kinds of HIV tests that look for the virus itself, not antibodies.
Where can I get the right test for HIV?
You can get the right HIV test at the study clinic for free. After you leave the study, you can continue to go to your study clinic to request HIV testing. Even if you are no longer located near your study clinic, we recommend that you contact them as they may still be able to help you access appropriate testing. In addition, the HVTN VISP Testing Service (VTS) can help you get HIV testing in your area. The testing is free. Getting the right test will prevent an incorrect diagnosis of HIV. Your study clinic or the VISP Testing Service can help provide the right test.
The HVTN provides HIV testing for participants who have received an HIV study vaccine in a study funded by the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Division of AIDS (DAIDS). In most cases, this testing can be performed at the study clinic, but testing can be arranged through the VISP Testing Service in cases where a participant is no longer able to go to their study clinic for testing.
Why don’t standard HIV tests look for actual HIV?
Standard HIV tests that look for antibodies are quick, reliable, and affordable. Tests that look for the virus are expensive, require more lab infrastructure, and are not commonly used for an initial diagnosis.
What is “opt-out” testing for HIV?
“Opt-out” testing for HIV means that HIV tests may be done routinely unless a person refuses to have the testing done.
- For more information on the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) recommendations for HIV testing in the U.S., please visit: http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5514a1.htm
- For state-specific information in the U.S., please visit: https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/policies/law/states/index.html
- For information about HIV testing guidelines in other countries, please visit: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/978-92-4-155058-1
What does “opt-out” testing mean for me?
You should tell your healthcare provider about your HIV vaccine study participation and refuse HIV testing being done anywhere other than your study clinic. Even if your healthcare provider does not mention the HIV test, be sure to tell them that you do not want an HIV test because you are (or were) an HIV vaccine study participant who received a study vaccine.
How can I explain this situation to my healthcare provider?
- If anyone asks to test you for HIV or to draw your blood, tell them you are in (or have been in) an HIV vaccine study and that specific tests have to be performed in order to diagnose HIV. This testing can be done at the study clinic or through the HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN) for free.
- Explain that being tested outside of the HVTN could result in an incorrect HIV diagnosis.
- Give the provider your study coordinator’s contact information. Ask the provider to contact the study clinic or the HVTN VISP Testing Service directly — U.S. - 1.800.327.2932 or vtn.core.vispcounselor@hvtn.org; Africa - +27 82 337 0783 or vtn.visp.ops.sa@hvtn.org; or Latin America – vtn.visp.ops.la@hvtn.org.
- If you have to, simply say “no” to the HIV test, and then ask the study clinic or the HIV Vaccine Trials Network to help. We are happy to work with you to resolve your situation.
How long does VISP last?
We don’t know. If you have tested VISP, the antibodies may fade quickly, or they may last for several years. In some cases, participants continue to test VISP for more than 20 years. Because of this, participants should remain in contact with the HVTN to ensure the correct testing is done in the future. This testing can be done through the study clinic, the VISP Testing Service, or a local provider in consultation with the HVTN.
Can VISP be passed from one person to another?
In most cases, no. If you have tested VISP you cannot pass the antibodies to another person by kissing or through sexual contact.
If you are pregnant, we think there may be a chance that you could pass the vaccine antibodies to your baby. Although this has not been shown to happen with HIV study vaccines, we know that this happens with other vaccines, like the tetanus vaccine. Vaccine antibodies that mothers pass to their babies are temporary and go away over time, and they are not harmful to the baby. The HVTN can arrange for you and your baby to have accurate HIV testing for free for as long as it is needed.
Could having VISP impact my ability to donate blood and/or organs?
In order to donate blood or organs, the donation center will screen you using an HIV antibody test. If you test positive for HIV antibodies, you may be unable to donate. You may also be permanently banned from blood donation even though you do not have HIV.
How will a VISP test result affect me?
If someone believes you have HIV, you could face discrimination and/or other problems. For example, you could have problems with medical or dental care, employment, insurance, a visa for traveling, or entry into the military. You might not be allowed to donate blood or organs. If you are pregnant, you may have to explain your situation to avoid receiving any HIV treatment during your pregnancy or labor/delivery.
If you are planning to apply for insurance, employment, or the military, please inform your study clinic right away. The insurance company, employer, or military agency may not accept HIV test results from the HVTN. However, the HVTN can work with them to ensure the right test is done that will show your true HIV status.
What happens if I move far away from the study clinic where I participated in an HIV vaccine study?
For U.S. participants, call the HVTN VISP Testing Service at 1.800.327.2932 or email vtn.core.vispcounselor@hvtn.org. For participants outside the U.S., call your study clinic and they can assist you with HIV testing. If you are unable to reach someone at your study clinic, send an email to vtn.visp.ops.sa@hvtn.org if you are located in Africa, vtn.visp.ops.la@hvtn.org if you are located in Latin America, or vtn.core.vispcounselor@hvtn.org for all other countries to request information about HIV testing.
Will my information be confidential?
Yes. All of your information will be stored in a limited-access, password-protected, secure database. Access to your information will be limited to the HVTN VISP counselors. No identifying information concerning the testing will be released to any third party without your written approval, except when required by law.
How long does the HVTN VISP Testing Service take to provide test results?
It can vary by region but typically it takes approximately 2-4 weeks.
Am I eligible for the HVTN VISP Testing Service?
- You participated in an HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN), AIDS Vaccine Evaluation Group (AVEG), or HIV Network for Prevention Trials (HIVNET) HIV preventive vaccine study, AND
- You received an HIV vaccine, AND
- You are willing to provide consent to have your blood drawn and for HIV testing.
If you are not sure if you received an HIV vaccine, call your study clinic or the HVTN VISP Testing Service at 1.800.327.2932.
- You have a confirmed diagnosis of HIV from your medical doctor, OR
- You are currently enrolled in an HIV vaccine study, OR
- As a former study participant, you received a placebo.
If you are currently enrolled in an HIV vaccine study, your testing is provided by your study clinic. If for some reason you are unable to be tested at your clinic, you can contact your study clinic or the HVTN VISP Testing Service at US toll free: 1.800.327.2932.
What if I live outside the U.S.? Will I have access to the HVTN VISP Testing Service?
If you live near your original study clinic, you can reach out to them for testing after the study. For additional information about testing in Africa, please contact vtn.visp.ops.sa@hvtn.org. For additional information about testing in Latin America, please contact VTN.VISP.Ops.LA@hvtn.org. For locations other than the U.S., Africa, and Latin America, please contact your study clinic or email vtn.core.vispcounselor@hvtn.org to request testing.
For More Information About Getting the Right Test for HIV
Contact your study coordinator at the HIV vaccine study clinic or the HVTN VISP Testing Service
U.S.: 1.800.327.2932 or vtn.core.vispcounselor@hvtn.org
Africa: +27 82 337 0783 or vtn.visp.ops.sa@hvtn.org
Latin America: vtn.visp.ops.la@hvtn.org
All other locations: vtn.core.vispcounselor@hvtn.org